Thomson Reuters - Reuters Group - Рейтер 5847 11
РБК - РосБизнесКонсалтинг 11121 10
CNET Networks - CNET News 1642 8
Computer Weekly 374 8
The Register 1532 7
The Verge - Издание 530 6
allNetDevices 160 6
Dow Jones - MarketWatch 311 6
EWeek 178 6
BleepingComputer - Издание 287 5
CNews - ZOOM.CNews 1818 5
Dow Jones - WSJ - The Wall Street Journal 1267 5
ZDnet 597 5
AT&T - WarnerMedia - CNN Money - CNNfn 934 5
SecurityLab - Секьюрити лаб 239 4
Vnunet 224 4
cw360 84 4
ComputerWorld 144 4
Ars Technica 407 4
Infosan 75 4
NYT - The New York Times 1016 4
AppleInsider 393 4
Ведомости 823 4
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation - Британская вещательная корпорация 2686 3
Forbes - Форбс 729 3
Bloomberg 1214 3
AT&T - WarnerMedia - AOL Time Warner 528 3
Mercury Center 309 3
InformationWeek 241 2
TechCrunch - TechCrunch Distrupt - TechCrunch Awards 1202 2
AP - Associated Press 1995 2
9to5Mac 70 2
NewsFactor 127 2 364 2
CNBC - Consumer News and Business Channel 186 2 214 2
Wikipedia - Википедия 458 2
Yahoo! News - Yahoo! Actualites 852 2
The Next Web 84 2
iKS-Consulting - ИКС-Консалтинг 602 2